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#1 Consultants in Atlanta



Base price $2,495.00
Sales price $2,495.00
Federal Employer Identification Number
State Business Located
Federal & State Filing Turnaround Time
IRS (1023 Filing)
Custom Programs
Corporate Kit
Would you like a corporate kit?

Improving communities and changing lives

A nonprofit, or non-profit corporation, is a company or organization formed for purposes other than making a profit. Like standard for-profit corporations, nonprofits provide limited liability protection. The personal assets of directors and officers typically cannot be used to satisfy the debts or liabilities of the nonprofit.

Advantages of a nonprofit corporation

Nonprofit corporations typically offer certain benefits:

  • Limited liability protection. Directors and officers are typically not personally responsible for the nonprofit’s debts and liabilities.
  • Tax-exempt status. Nonprofits can apply for both federal and state tax-exempt status.
  • Access to grants. Some nonprofits are eligible to receive public and private grants, making it easier to get operating capital.
  • Tax-deductible donations. With 501(c)(3) nonprofits, donations made by individuals to the nonprofit corporation are tax-deductible.

How do you form a nonprofit corporation?

Non-profit corporations follow state laws that are very different from those of standard corporations—but the business formation process is very similar. Non-profit Articles of Incorporation must be filed with the state and applicable state filing fees paid. In order for your nonprofit to become tax-exempt, Form 1023 must be filed with and approved by the IRS. Some states also require a state-level tax-exempt status filing.

Package includes: 

  • Consulting (1Hour)
  • FEIN: Federal Employer Identification Number 
  • Name Reservation
  • Letter of Intent
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • 1023 Application
  • e-File IRS 1023 Application Federal Filing Fees Included ($600)
  • Approval by the IRS varies (60 to 90 Business Days)
  • Shipped Priority Mail (If required)
  • Corporate Kit 

Additional Services

  • Bylaws (Custom Not Included)
  • Conflict of Interest Policy (Custom Not Included)
  • 3 Year Budgets (Custom Not Included)

Crim Group Corporate Kits

Expedited Processing of Document Filings:

Any Domestic or Foreign Corporation, Limited Partnership, or Limited Liability Company Filing:
A document submitted to the GA Secretary of State (Only) for expedited filing will be reviewed and a filing response
indicating whether the document has been filed or rejected will be sent to the filer or contact person within
the time frame of the requested level of expedited service. The expedited fee is in addition to the regular
filing fee associated with the document type or service requested. The expedited review period is during
business hours only, and excludes weekends and state holidays.

  • Regular Expedited Service $200.00
    Review completed and a response sent to the filer within 48 hours after receipt,
    excluding weekends and state holidays.
  • Same Day Expedited Service $500.00
    Review completed and a response sent to the filer the same day as receipt.
    Same day expedited processing service requests must be received by the
    Division by noon of a business day. Documents received after noon will be
    reviewed by noon on the next business day.
  • One Hour Expedited Service $1,500.00
    Review completed and a response sent within one hour of receipt. One hour
    expedited processing service requests are reviewed on business days between
    9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Documents received outside of these business hours will
    be reviewed on the next business day starting at 9:00 a.m.
    The name, email address, and telephone number of a person authorized to make
    corrections and to whom any questions regarding the document or service
    requested may be directed must be provided.

Disclaimer: Crim Group is not an attorney or law firm and does not provide legal advice. Nothing in this information is intended nor should it be considered legal advice. We are not attorneys, we offer Legal Document Preparation to the public at their specific direction.