
Commercial & Video Production

Base price $1,500.00
Sales price $1,500.00
Campaign Radius
Commercial or Video
Production Budget
Advertising Budget
Ad Frequency Package
Drone Videography & Photography

We can produce a wide range of commercials, from short 30 second spots to 20 minute instructional video, and we bring the same focus and creative energy to both. During the production process our advertising & marketing department will customized a campaign according to your target market and budget. 

$1,500.00 Base Retainer Fee is required to start treatment:

Production Process:Video & Commercial Ads

Drone Videography & Photography Services
Drone Videography & Photography/Interior & Exterior Ground Photography /
Home Tour or Business
Videography Home or Business Tours: (Ground and Interior)
  • 100-2499 SqFt: $300.00
  • 2500 - 3000 SqFt: $400.00
  • 3001- 3600 SqFt: $500.00
Photography Home or Business: (Ground and Interior)
  • 100-2499 SqFt: $300.00
  • 2500 - 3000 SqFt: $400.00
  • 3001- 3600 SqFt: $500.00
Website Design6.5 x 9 Postcard/Flyers EDDM
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