
Domain & Email Renewal

Base price $75.00
Sales price $75.00
Annual Renewal Fee

This product was created to secure domain name for one year and provide client with custom email account.

Package Includes:                                                                       

Domain Name Registration 1 year only.    

Email Account Setup Registration 1 year only. 

 Note: Annual domain renewals are due on the purchase date. If payment is not received by annual purchase date at 5:00pm EST. A $25.00 late fee will be added to the outstanding balance. You have a 12 day grace period to redeem your domain after late renewal. If your domain has to be redeemed back after the grace period from the market place. A $125 redemption fee + plus renewal fee is required before domain is redeemed.

Website Design6.5 x 9 Postcard/Flyers EDDM
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